Some AA-time and failures lurking!
I´ve just completed a 2 hour flight from Ft. Lauderdale (KFLL) to Port au Prince (MTPP).
I nice flight with pretty cool scenery upon arrival at MTPP. This was my first visit to Haiti in the virtual world! Haven´t been there IRL either....

Skipping a waypoint, as directed by ATC,
saves both time and fuel.

Aircraft in landing-config on final towards
Port au Prince.

Flaring above the runway.
I downloaded a small file I found at . It´s simply called "Random Failure" and that pretty much explains its´use aswell. You start the application; enter a "probability number"; and go fly!
This may now generate a failure at any time, in any system onboard, every minute of the flight.
Since I only fly IFR and strictly controlled aircraft, I used the probability rate of 1/10.000 every minute of the flight.
Guess what. I was lucky. :)
But one day I might end up with a failing engine at V2 (calculated safe climbout speed), then I´ll be pouring sweat!
I used an application like this back in the good old FS2002 days, and I had a major failure once. It was an engine failure during the takeoff roll but well below V1 (calculated "point of no return speed"), so I was able to stop and shut down and taxi back to the gate on one engine.
Here are some photos from another American flight I made yesterday; AA1394 from Dallas Fort Worth (KDFW) to Fort Lauderdale (KFLL).

Taxiing out at KDFW.

ILS established, heading for Fort Lauderdale.
Thanx for reading!
I´ve just completed a 2 hour flight from Ft. Lauderdale (KFLL) to Port au Prince (MTPP).
I nice flight with pretty cool scenery upon arrival at MTPP. This was my first visit to Haiti in the virtual world! Haven´t been there IRL either....

Skipping a waypoint, as directed by ATC,
saves both time and fuel.

Aircraft in landing-config on final towards
Port au Prince.

Flaring above the runway.
I downloaded a small file I found at . It´s simply called "Random Failure" and that pretty much explains its´use aswell. You start the application; enter a "probability number"; and go fly!
This may now generate a failure at any time, in any system onboard, every minute of the flight.
Since I only fly IFR and strictly controlled aircraft, I used the probability rate of 1/10.000 every minute of the flight.
Guess what. I was lucky. :)
But one day I might end up with a failing engine at V2 (calculated safe climbout speed), then I´ll be pouring sweat!
I used an application like this back in the good old FS2002 days, and I had a major failure once. It was an engine failure during the takeoff roll but well below V1 (calculated "point of no return speed"), so I was able to stop and shut down and taxi back to the gate on one engine.
Here are some photos from another American flight I made yesterday; AA1394 from Dallas Fort Worth (KDFW) to Fort Lauderdale (KFLL).

Taxiing out at KDFW.

ILS established, heading for Fort Lauderdale.
Thanx for reading!
will be great that you put the link to can download this plane!!
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